Care for me…
Love me…
….For who I am.”
As I traverse this life, however, I also meet more people. Some of them I learned to like, care and love without particular reasons. And I learned to somehow adjust in an honest effort to let them know how I feel to see they are pleased.
There were times, when unknown to them, I sacrifice my own pleasure in attempts of being there when (I thought) they needed me. And I didn’t care whether it’s appreciated or not.
There were times when I make myself a laughingstock just to belong. And I didn’t care whether they noticed it or not..
There were times when I laughed to camouflage those pent up emotions within. And I didn’t care whether they understood me or not.
However, I must admit that whether they were aware or unaware, they have made a great difference in my life.
And there were times, when words were not enough to express my gratitude for all their efforts to support me in anyway they made it. I trust that they like, care and love me back.
No matter where the future leads us, one thing I can be certain of, they are people whom I will forever cherish somewhere in my heart.
“Like me…
Care for me…
Love me…
….For who I am.”
They re-echo those lines to justify unreasonable reasons and to mean that they cannot change to please me.
“I Am Who I Am (Read: foolish pride)
They didn’t know that somehow, I can smile as I realize it is just ‘foolish pride’ that encompasses their willingness to meet me halfway towards sustenance of our relationships.
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